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Deconstructing Every Day Beauty! with master artist Scott Yeskel
Deconstructing Every Day Beauty! with master artist Scott Yeskel
Session 1: Abstracting Trees (50:14)
Session 2: Simplifying A Midcentury Pool Home (66:24)
Session 3: Sinatra House Deconstruction (66:18)
Session 4: Recreating a Henrietta Berk Still Life (34:37)
Session 5: Recreating an Edward Hopper Interior (69:03)
Session 6: Deconstructing McSorely's Old Ale House (70:12)
Session 7: Simplifying the Beauty within a Palms Springs Condo (63:41)
Session 8: Simplifying Demo using a Fruit Cart (65:25)
Session 9: Deconstructing a Downtown Diamond District Theatre (72:37)
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Session 5: Recreating an Edward Hopper Interior
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